Markdown Syntax

Markdown Syntax

How to use Heading Tags:

There are different heading tags, It is written staring with (#) symbol followed by space and heading name as show below. Based on your requirement you can use the number of (#) at beginning.

# Heading-1
## Heading-2
### Heading-3
#### Heading-4

Bold and Italic:

To make bold we use text in between double (*) To make Italic we use text in between single ()


Block Quote:

To quote the text we use (>) followed by text

> Text

How to use List:

To use Ordered list we just use numbers and for unordered list we can use (-) symbol

1. Ordered List-1
2. Ordered List-2
3. Ordered List-3

- Unordered List-1
- Unordered List-2
- Unordered List-3

  Nested Lists:
  1. Ordered List-1
     - One
     - Two
     - Three

To mention the hyper link we use square bracket [] and followed by parenthesis () The text inside square bracket is the text to be displayed and text in side the parenthesis is the actual link to tbe redirect


How to attach image:

It is similar to hyper link with a prefix of (!) the text inside the square bracket indicated the alt text name for image image url can be relative or absolute

![alt text](image url)

Code Snippet:

To insert single line of code we write code in between backtick (``) To insert multiple line of code snippet we write code in between three backtick (```)



let name = "markdown"